
The Promuda Mouthpiece

Issue 1, July 2002

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Like it? Hate it? Think your ideas are better? Feel free to send us your comments. We don't promise you we'll listen, but - hey - sending them will make you feel better!

E-Mail the Eds at: -

Praba Ganesan, Chief Editor,

Zarina Abu Bakar, Managing Editor,

The rest of the Prodigy Team are: -

Nazrin Hassan, Syarisa Abu Bakar, Shahrin Sharil, Romil Shamsudin, and Emry Tamrin. 

If you'd like to discuss any article on the Promuda-Circle message board, you're welcome to do so. Just enter Prodigy_<topic> as your subject line. 

Thank you to the contributors of this inaugural issue. Your support is appreciated! Also, a big thanks to Ikmal Ismail for helping us transfer this to the web. Ikmal, we have to iron out the technical glitches for the next issue!

We're soliciting articles for the next issue of Prodigy. Feel free to submit your pieces. We edit, but very lightly, because we trust that you won't make yourself come across as a complete twerp. 

Stick by the usual guidelines: no porno, no hate composition, no racist or religious slurs, no plagiarised pieces. 

See you in the next issue!

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Copyright(c)2002.All Rights Reserved.Promuda